is about to legalize gay marriage. This has caused some turmoil in
some part of the opinion and the right wing opposition bitterly
opposes it, mostly, I think, to show they are indeed the Opposition.
Indeed, the very fact that a measure which concerns only 5% of the
population has become, in the middle of a major economic crisis, one
of the focuses of our collective conversation tells a lot about how
impotent our rulers have become. As for me, I tend to favor it, first
because it does benefit a sizable part of the population and fails to
impact the rest in any meaningful way, and second, because it is the
logical conclusion of the choices our civilization made three
centuries ago, namely that marriage was the coronation of love and
that homosexuality was an identity rather than a practice. This is,
by the way a recent development, the advent of which correlates with
the advent of modern Western culture and of industrial
civilization... which of course begs the question : what will be the
future of gay marriage, or even of gayness in the deindustrial

Western civilization, and its imitators all over the world, is the
only one to have created a whole social identity around it.
Emperor Hadrian had a long affair with Bithynian Greek youth,
Antinous, yet was not considered as an homosexual in the modern sense
of the word. He was just a normal man who happened to have a
relationship with a boy, which was perfectly legit as long as he did
not adopt a submissive role. To quote Gibbon “[O]f the first
fifteen emperors, Claudius was the only one whose taste in love was
entirely correct." One of his successors, Elagabalus,
publicly lived with a charioteer whom he referred to as his husband.
He was reviled, not because of his choice of partner – not
different from Hadrian’s – but because he assumed a feminine,
submissive role. He was not gay, but effeminate, a qualification
which emphatically did not correlate with homosexuality.

happened just as those three countries where laying the foundation of
modern capitalism. They were not industrialized but a better mastery
of of wind and water power, as well as ruthless resource grabbing all
over the world, enabled them to concentrate into their hands a
disproportionate share of the world’s resources. This allowed them
to field large armies and navies, to better control their population
and to complexify their societies. This also triggered a number of
social changes, notably in gender roles. Humans, like most apes, are
sexually dimorphic, which results in differentiated gender roles.
Basically, in paleolithic societies, males were hunter and fighters
and competed for resources while females took care of the home-front
and competed for attention from the best providers – the latter
fact is important, even though it is overlooked by your average macho
; in most species females are drab and passive, ours have been
selected for assertiveness. The neolithic revolution complexified
things considerably as various decisions about who was going to do
what led to very different gender roles accord to the society. That’s
why you had Greek Gynaecea and Scythian amazons. Of course, even
then, there were considerable overlaps, and a significant number of
outliers. That’s why we had Aspasia
and Sapho. And from time to time, a whole society could undergo a
shift in gender roles.
is what happened in early modern Europe. As societies got richer, it
became possible for upper, and upper middle class women to opt out of
the domestic economy. This was certainly advantageous for them, but
by doing so they put an ever larger distance between the home, and
therefore married life, and the public square. The result, as Michel
Foucault argue was that while prior to the 18th century, discourse on
sexuality focused on the productive role of the married couple In the
18th and 19th centuries society took an increasing interest in
sexualities that did not fit within this union. This led to an
increasing categorization of "perverts"; where previously a
man who engaged in same-sex activities would be labeled as an
individual who succumbed to the sin of sodomy, now they would be
categorized into a new "species", that of the homosexual.
The result was both increased repression and a cementing of gay
caused a similar process in many non-western societies, even though
the result were sometimes different. Thailand is typical in that
matter. The kingdom, once a major power, was never colonized but was
nevertheless subject to intense pressures from both France and
Britain and to avoid sharing the fate of its main competitors,
Vietnam and Burma, it adopted a strategy social critic Sulak
Sivaraksa called 'fighting wolves by donning their clothing'. This
included the imposition by the state of western gender roles and
sexual norms, notably a strict differentiation between men and women
– before that, all western travelers insisted on the “masculine”
looks of Thai women, whose dress differed little from the men’s.
Moreover, economic modernization was accompanied by a genderization
of jobs, while in traditional Thai society agricultural work had been
relatively ungendered.
result has been a polarization of gender roles and norms and the
birth of a special class of transvestites / transgenders who adopted
the behavior and look of western women, or rather what they thought
to be the behavior and look of western women, namely the kathoey.
A similar process occurred in Tonga with the fakaleiti,
a class of transsexuals / effeminate men who emerged out of a
previous category of men who enjoyed traditionally feminine jobs in
the wake of westernization.
things become interesting is that gender roles and norms will likely
be as affected by the energy descent as they were by the birth of
modern western culture or its arrival on such or such far shore, and
so will gayness, or kathoey-ness for
that matter. It is easy to see why. As the flow of high grade energy
which still keeps our complex societies working dries up, we will be
forced to scale down our economies. This means that our societies
will become a lot less complex and that our economy will focus out of
services toward industry then agriculture. A lot of jobs will simply
disappear and domestic economy will make a big come back. This is
bound to create a shift in gender roles on the same scale as the one
we experienced at the beginning of the modern age or during the
seventies. It is impossible to predict the details of this shift and
it will doubtlessly vary according to local culture and conditions.
The typically western idea that teaching and secretarial work are
jobs” may have interesting consequences several centuries down the
road for instance, when a scholarly tradition will have to be revived
by teachers and private secretaries.

is unlikely, however, that gayness, as a specific identity, survives
such a shift. Human sexuality being fluid, there will be humans with
homosexual leaning until the extinction of the species, but in a
differently gendered social environment, they will no longer consider
their preferred choice of partner as a fundamental element of their
identity. Basically, gayness will fade with the culture which has
created it.
does not mean that homosexual people will be persecuted in the
post-collapse world (even though they may and will be in some areas),
nor that gay marriage will go the way of gay identity. Again it may
and will in some areas, but it is not a necessity. Its main interest
is that it integrates what was previously a deviance into the world
of home and family which will be central in the future.
fact it may be this integration which will guarantee the survival of
gay marriage / coupling and the continued acceptance of homosexuals
in some mainstream societies. Separatism of any kind has no place in
a society where community cohesion is literally vital but the
argument cuts both ways. In such a society it would be stupid to
exclude otherwise productive people on the basis of their choice of
partner. Gay marriage may fade away in some culture, but where it
will have become established, it will probably become just marriage,
with all the obligations and responsibilities it entails. Those who
will be excluded, and rightly so because they pose a real threat to
community cohesion, will be promiscuous and adulterous people, no
matter the sex of their targets.
a sense, gay marriage is one of the conservative measures we need to
implement if we are to socially cushion the energy descent. Of
course, for the majority of the population it won’t be much, but in
some circumstances, redefining normalcy will enable us to better use
human resources, as well as allowing previously discriminated people
to be productive members of the community, which is by no means
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